CONTROL Parameters
Ignore Tool too Large Errors: If set, the errors: #507 After compensation line to arc lacks
intersection. #569 The tool is too large to cut inside the arc “Compensated radius is to small”
#579 Compensated arcs do not intersect. Are ignored and compensation is done on a line
from the start of the arc to the end of the arc.
Pre Check Software Limits:
Never: the control never checks the soft limits. The soft limit error only occurs when the axis
moves outside the limits.
Run Only: checks are not made when verifying. When running, the control will check to see if
any axis is going to move outside the limits before the move starts. The graphics will show the
move but the machine will not make the move. This can prevent crashes where faster moves
go beyond the limits.
Always: the control will check to see if any axis is going to move outside the limits when
running or verifying. The graphics will show the move, but the machine will not make the move.
It may be useful to verify a program before running it.
% of feed on Ruff Infeeds: Reduces feedrate when feeding into material on G71 and G72 cycles.
Enable Modify Column Displays: Enables the function keys to change the axis positions under
F6 (Display). Options are: Current, Target, Distance, Machine, Measure, Actual, None or Error.
Full Code Window: Replaces graphics window with program text.
Auto Spindle Brake: Automatically sets and releases brake on C-axis moves.
****** DPRNT DATA *******
The 9000 Series Control retains RS232 functionality for data output using the DPRNT command for
running auxiliary equipment such as programmable coolant nozzles or rotary tables. RS232 for
program transfer is not supported in the 9000 Series Control. The parameters in the DPRNT DATA
group govern RS232 behavior for supported DPRNT output to a COM port. DPRNT data may also
be sent to a file.
DPRNT to: A file, or COM 1. The file will be written to the parts directory.
DPRNT File Name: AnyTextString.txt (default filename is REPORT.DAT if blank)
Baud Rate: 110 to 57600 baud
Parity; Data and Stop Bits: Many different combinations; E⁄7⁄2 is common.
*** Tool Setter Parameters ***
P132 Z+ Calibration data for Z+
P133 X+ Calibration data for X+
P134 Z- Calibration data for Z-
P135 X- Calibration data for X-
*** Bar Feeder Parameters ***
P550 Z Bar Feeder Stop Position
P551 X Bar Feeder Stop Position
P552 Z Bar Feeder Machine Position
P553 Z Bar Feeder Eject Position
P554 X Bar Feeder Eject Position
P555 Number of Parts in Bar
P858 Spindle Orient Degree
P101 Thread Lead Used in the thread cycle
P102 Thread Shift Angle For multiple lead threads
P103 Thread Chamfer Length Chamfer length at the end of the thread
P104 Thread Chamfer Angle Chamfer angle at the end of the thread
P105 Thread Type Type 1-4 for cutting the thread
P106 Thread Height K value in the G76 cycle
P107 1st Thread Cut Depth D value in the G76 cycle
P108 Tool Angle A value in the G76 cycle
P110 Start Block P value in G70, G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P111 End Block Q value in G70, G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P112 X Finish Stock U value in G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P113 Z Finish Stock W value in G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P114 X Rough Stock I value in G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P115 Z Rough Stock K value in G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P116 Cut Increment D value in G71, G72 and G73 cycles
P117 Roughing Type Pattern or 45 degree
P118 Relief R value in G71 and G72 cycles
P119 First Depth D value in G76 cycle
P121 Cut Length Used in G90, G92, and G94 cycles
P122 Cut Depth Used in G90, G92, and G94 cycles
P123 End Point Used in G90, G92, and G94 cycles
P124 Diameter Used in G90, G92, and G94 cycles
P125 Turning Taper Taper in G90 cycle
P126 Facing Taper Taper in G94
P130 Threading Minimum Cut Minimum in the G76 cycle
P131 Threading Finish Passes # of finish passés in the G76 cycle
P139 X R-Plane X Clearance
P140 Z R-Plane Z Clearance
P141 Final depth For drill cycles
P142 Z Initial Level For drill cycles
P143 Cut Increment For drill cycles
P144 First Depth For drill cycles
P145 Plunge Feedrate For drill cycles
P146 Peck-up Increment For drill cycles
P147 Peck Clearance For drill cycles
P148 Dwell 1 For drill cycles
P149 Dwell 2 For drill cycles
P172 thru P179 Coordinates of the center position for a mirror image command
for the enabled axis P172=Z P173=X. . . etc
P180 thru P187 Coordinates of the scaling center for the enabled axis P180=Z
P181=X. . . etc
P188 thru P195 Scale factor for each of the enabled axis P188=Z P189=X. . . etc
P196 K position of primary axis center of rotation
P197 I position of secondary axis center of rotation
P198 Angle of rotation
P199 Incremental or absolute on G90, G92 and G94 cycles
P1800 Material Length For graphics
P1816 Material OD For graphics
P1817 Material ID For graphics