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Modal Restart (Pick) – Detailed Operation Notes:
To enable this feature, under PARM⁄MISC, toggle “Allow Modal Restart” to true.
Under RUN or VERIFY⁄START, there will be new menu options marked PICK and MODAL,
as well as the old FIRST⁄BLOCK#⁄TOOL#.
Pressing PICK brings up a read-only editor showing the current program being executed.
You can then scroll down the line you want to start from, and press PICK (different pick, maybe a
rename on one of them is in order).
Modal Restart can be chosen by toggling MODAL on, or a Non-MODAL Restart by toggling
MODAL off.
MODAL can also be toggled on and off after doing BLOCK# or TOOL#. Non-Modal Restart
means it will start on the chosen line with no further ado.  Modal Restart means it will first fast
verify up to your chosen line, in the process setting modal codes correctly.
Then, there will be a series of prompts to press cycle start to do the following:
1.  Change the tool you should be on that point, e.g. T2M6.
2.  Set the correct spindle speed (move the value from the verify value to the run value),
     e.g. S1000.
3.  Do the last mcode in the following groups, if any was done in the program:
     M3 ⁄ M4 ⁄ M5
     M7 ⁄ M8 ⁄ M9
Once this is done the control will do what it does on a resume, go to the “halt” position (in this
case the position you would have been at), etc. It will then execute from the chosen line.
If F4 (Pick) is pushed and the program is started from a tool, a block or a line (using pick) it can
start the program in the mode (spindle speeds, feed rate, cutter comp, tool #, coolant, etc.) by
toggling the F9 (Modal) key.
Cycle Start starts the program from the beginning.
If F9 (Modal) is pushed and the program is started from a tool, a block or a line (using pick) it can
start the program in the mode (spindle speeds, feed rate, cutter comp, tool #, coolant, etc.) by
toggling the F9 (Modal) key.