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PROGRAM Parameters
P200 thru P207  Contains the previous programmed position relative to the current work offsets
P200=Z P201=X . . . etc.
P208 thru P215  Contains the current programmed position relative to the current work offsets
P208=Z P209=X. . . etc.
P216 thru P223  Contains the previous machine position relative to machine zero
P216=Z  P217=X. . . . etc.
P224 thru P231  Contains the current machine position relative to machine zero
P224=Z P225=X. . . etc.
P232 thru P239  Contains the work coordinate offset relative to the machine zero
P232=Z  P233=X . . . etc.
P240 thru P247  Contains the active tool lengths; P240=Z P241=X, etc.
P248  Contains the current arc radius
P249  Contains the current arc K value
P250  Contains the current arc I value
P251  Current programmed feedrate
P252  Current dwell time
P253  Current programmed spindle speed
P260  Contains active tool number
P261  Contains active tool radius
P265  Tool Type
P266  Contains safe zone status (0=off, 1=on)
P267  Contains ratio of feedback pulses to program units (1 is inch, .03937 for metric)
P268  Pending tool number
P298  Max spindle speed in CSS mode.
P300 thru 303  Modal 00-Modal 03
P304  Status if control is in data mode or normal programming (0=off, 1=on)
P306  Status of 0=G0, 1=G1, 2=G2, 3=G3 mode
P308  Number of active plane 0=G17 (XY), 1=G18 (ZX), 2=G19 (YZ)
P309  Cutter comp. status 0=G40, 1=G41, 2=G42.
P310  0=None, 1=Drill, 2=Drill Dwell, 3=Peck Drill, 4=Tap, 5=Bore, 6=Bore II,
7=Face Grooving, 8=Dia. Grooving, 9=Bore Dwell, 10=Grooving, 11=Single
Turn, 12=Single Face, 13=Single Thread, 14=Thread Cycle, 15=Threading 
P311  0 = Absolute, 1= Incremental mode
P312  Feed unit (0 is feed⁄min, 1 is feed⁄rev)
P313  Spindle unit (0 is RPM, 1 is constant surface speed)
P315  Linear Unit (0=inch, 1 = metric)
P316  Scaling (0 = off, 1 = on)
P317  Rotation (0 = off, 1 = on)
P318  Mirror image (0 = off, 1 = on)
P319  Current work coordinate number (G54=1, G55=2, G56=3,… G59=6)
P323  0 = Return to R-plane (G39), 1 = initial level (G38)
P324  Tapping mode (0 = off, 1 = on)
P337  Tool depth (for solid graphics)
P338  Tool Size
P339  Tool nose angle
P340  Tool mount angle
P365   Feed per minute feedrate
P366   Feed per rev feedrate
P367   RPM spindle speed
P368   CSS spindle speed
P416 thru P423  The last dimensions that were executed