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Machine Setup POWER Parameters
Initial Units are: G20 Inch or G21 Metric to power up in inch or metric
Number of Axes: Can be 1 to 5, normally 2 for lathes
Spindle Axis: Normally set to 1 for Z axis
Primary HDW Encoder: The encoder to use for the primary handwheel.
                                          Normally 3 for 9000 systems
2nd Handwheel Encoder Axis: Used for optional manual panel systems
Remote HDW Encoder: The encoder to use for the remote handwheel, Normally 7.
Remote HDW FOV1 thru FOV4: Sets the feedrate for the four feedrate switch
                                                       positions on the remote handwheel
Default Feedrates to: Feed per minute or Feed per rev
Default SpindleSpeeds to: CSS or RPM
Block Skip On: If Yes block skip is on at power up
Optional Stop On: If Yes optional stop is on at power up
Safe Zone On: If Yes safe zone is on at power up.
                         G22 turns the safe zone off.
                         G23 turns the safe zone on
UI Style Sheet: Used for alternate UI appearances. Style.dat
Foreign Extension:
Refers to the extension for data files. Current valid extensions are listed below.
NOTE: Shift - F8 will toggle between English and any other language.
****Tool Table Fields****
The following 10 tool characteristics may be displayed in the tool table.
Z Length
X Length Wear
Z Length Wear
Radius Wear
Tool Nose Angle
Tool Mount Angle
Tool Type
X Axis Wear Offset By: Diameter or Radius
****Tool Changer Information****
ATC tool (pocket count):  Number of Turret pockets.
Tool Change Macro:  Name of the program used for tool change.
Fast Pragati Index:  Stop at each turret station or not.
Front Turret:  YES for turret on front side.
Clamp on OD:  For hydraulic chuck to clamp on OD or ID.
Check Air Pressure:  If YES, machine will e-stop if low air is signaled.
Index Turret in HDW:  If YES, turret will index in Run-HDW mode.
MCK1 Task File Name:  PLC file loaded.
MCK2 Task File Name:  PLC file loaded.
MCK3 Task File Name:  PLC file loaded.
MCK4 Task File Name:  PLC file loaded.
Tool Changer Tag:  Used by configurator
Probe Tag:  Used by configurator
Coolant Tag:  Used by configurator
Spindle Tag:  Used by configurator
*****Custom G⁄M Code Tables*****

Custom Gcode 09010
Custom Gcode 09011
Custom Gcode 09012
Custom Gcode 09013
Custom Gcode 09014
Custom Gcode 09015
Custom Gcode 09016
Custom Gcode 09017
Custom Gcode 09018
Custom Gcode 09019
Custom Mcode 09020
Custom Mcode 09021
Custom Mcode 09022
Custom Mcode 09023
Custom Mcode 09024
Custom Mcode 09025
Custom Mcode 09026
Custom Mcode 09027
Custom Mcode 09028
Custom Mcode 09029
Custom Mcode 09030
Custom Mcode 09031
Custom Mcode 09032
Custom Mcode 09033
Custom Mcode 09034
Custom Mcode 09035
Custom Mcode 09036
Custom Mcode 09037
Custom Mcode 09038
Custom Mcode 09039

When the G or M code is executed the 090## program (in the ram folder) associated will be called. All custom codes are checked for syntax errors prior to running any program (or MDI command). If an error is found (or the 090## file is not found) a message is shown

ERROR 322: Fehler in Programm O9020 oder Custom
M Code Program nicht gefunden. Drücke < ESC > für weiter