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MOD is used to shift an axis position. It is generally used for rotary axis to obtain a positive
position between 0 and 360 degrees. It can be useful after a rotary axis has made several
revolutions in the same direction.
G0 A750
MOD A360 (A axis position is now 30°) 
G0 A-100
MOD A360 (A axis position is now 240°) 
G0 A-500
MOD A360 (A axis position is now 220°) 
G0 A437
MOD A20 (A axis position is now 17°) 
G0 A33.285
MOD A2.1 (A axis position is now 1.785°)
33.285 ⁄ 2.1 = 15.85
15.85 remainder is .85
.85 * 2.1 = 1.785
Note: Using the MOD command also shifts the software limits. This is desirable for most rotary
axis, but is undesirable for linear axis.