DPRNT (print to file)
DPRNT outputs text to file or to the RS-232 port.
See Control Parameters DPRNT Data to set the file name to DPRNT to.
If the file name is blank data is written to REPORT.DAT
#n writes the value of a parameter
Example: DPRNT [X#208 Y#209 Z#210] outputs the current X, Y,and Z positions to a
file or an RS-232 port.
#n[LT] will output parameter n with L leading and T trailing digits.
Example: P100=1.235 P101=2.87656
DPRNT [P100=#100[04] P101=#101[33]] outputs
“P100=1.2350 P101=002.877”
If the leading and trailing fields are left blank, the default leading and trailing format for the
machine setup parameters is used.
If LT=00, the ASCII value of the parameter is shown.
Example: P1=40 (ASCII ( )
P2=72 (ASCII H)
P3=105 (ASCII i) P4=41 (ASCII ) )
DPRNT [#1[00]#2[00]#3[00]#4[00]] outputs (Hi)
If LT=-1, the parameter is ignored. The time is shown in format 0hh:mm:ss.
If LT=-2, the parameter is ignored. The date is shown in format yy⁄mm⁄dd.
Example: DPRNT [Time=#1[-1] Date=#1[-2]] shows “Time=12:51:52 Date=2015⁄05⁄23”
DPRNT can be used to generate report files relating to parts production, parts inspections,
digitizing information, etc.
To begin writing to a new file, do DPRNT [REWRITE].