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Error Messages - Fehlermeldungen
200  Division by zero
207  Invalid floating point operation
321   Invalid custom G code
A custom G code has an error or a custom program not found.
322   Invalid custom M code
A custom M code has an error or a custom program not found.
324  Invalid path or program not found for M6 tool change macro.
The tool change macro may have an error in it or can not be found.
399  Software Limit Pre-check
501  Illegal address “#” encountered
The character within quotes “ “ is not a valid address, such as X, Y, Z, R, G, etc. The
block where the error occurred is shown in the block display. Check that block for the
invalid address.
502  Undefined canned cycle
503  Return without gosub
504  Coincident points, the start point and end point are the same on an arc without a center
The start point and end point are the same on an arc without a center.
505  Radius too small to span given points
Start and end points are more than “R” distance apart on an arc without a center.
507  After compensation, line to arc lacks intersection
509  After compensation, arcs lack intersection
515  Unexpected file size
The control read a file that was not the correct size when using G991.
517  Parameter out of range
Parameter number is less than zero. For parameter numbers greater than 699 you
must use data mode (G10, G11).
518  Illegal program statement
Command in program statement is not considered valid.
519  Feedrate out of range
The programmed feedrate is beyond the “maximum feedrate” parameter value in the
machine setup parameters. The program feedrate may be negative.
520  Spindle speed out of range
The programmed spindle speed is beyond the “spindle range” parameter in the machine
setup parameters. The programmed spindle speed may be negative.
521  Negative arc radius
An attempt was made to generate a negative arc radius.
522  Negative polar radius
A polar radius must be specified as a positive value. 10-2
523  Illegal tool number
Valid T numbers are 0 - 199.
524  Illegal radius number
Valid D numbers are 0 - 199.
525  Illegal length number
Valid H numbers are 0 - 199.
529  Duplicate address’ encountered
The same address was found twice on the same block, such as X0 Y0 X.5.
530  Colinear line to line in round corner
531  Colinear line to arc in round corner
532  Colinear arc to line in round corner
533  Colinear arc to arc in round corner
535  Chamfer length is less than zero
Chamfer length must be a positive number.
536   Can’t chamfer and round the same corner
Choose either chamfer or round corner.
537  Can’t chamfer to or from arcs
538  Loop counter out of range
The maximum number of loops for a call is 999.
539  Dwell time out of range
Probably a negative number was specified. The maximum dwell time is 999999999
540  Illegal dwell time “#” encountered
Try G4 F##.####; specify X, P, or F after G4.
541  No axis moves are allowed on a M6, G31 or G32 block
M6, G31 and G32 are intended to move Z only. Relocate X and Y moves to another
542  G30 Illegal return to reference parameter on G30 block
Should be P2, P3, or P4 for second, third, and fourth reference point.
543  Illegal (G10) statement
Only parameter assignments are allowed in G10 mode.
544  Too many digits in number
The number of digits used is beyond what the address is expecting.  For example,
N123456789 can only be eight digits.
545  Illegal K value for number of holes
K must be a number between 1 and 999.
546  Nested calls or gosubs too deep
Probably a program is calling itself. Nest limit is 50 for program calls.
547  Comment not closed
Always use “( )” (parentheses) in pairs for program comments. 10-3
549  Unrecognized G code
G code encountered is not recognized by the control.
550  Bad numeric format
Expecting a numeric value, or a parameter value enclosed within [ ], after an address
X, Y, Z, R, etc.
552  Missing “]”
Always use square brackets in pairs.
553  Missing “[“
Always use square brackets in pairs.
554  Tangent function overflow
Trying to find the tangent of a number close to 90º
555  Missing “⁄”
Arctan “ATAN” syntax is P## = ATAN[#⁄#].
556  Negative SQRT argument
557  Unknown function
560  Illegal relational operator
567  Unresolved call
Program being called does not exist (CALL ####).
568  Unresolved GOTO or GOSUB
N#### does not exist in the program (GOTO ####).
569  The tool is too large to cut inside the arc “Compensated radius is too small”
Eliminate the arc, or use a smaller tool.
570  The tool is too large to cut inside the arc “1st compensated radius in arc to arc is < 0”
Eliminate the arc, or use a smaller tool.
571  The tool is too large to cut inside the arc “2nd compensated radius in arc to arc is < 0”
Eliminate the arc, or use a smaller tool.
572  Pocket clear is not in a Start⁄End mill cycle WHILE WEND loop
Use START at the beginning of the mill cycle and END at the end of the mill cycle.
573  Round wall is not in a Start⁄End mill cycle WHILE WEND loop
Use START at the beginning of the mill cycle and END at the end of the mill cycle.
574  Round wall radius will not span 1st Z depth and final Z depth
575  Tapered wall is not in a Start⁄End mill cycle WHILE WEND loop
Use START at the beginning of the mill cycle and END at the end of the mill cycle.
576  Z increment is 0
578  Undefined text cycle
  Character specified in a text command is not supported.
579  Compensated arcs do not intersect
580  Invalid floating point operation.
  The argument passed to the LN function was zero or negative. 10-4
581  Invalid floating point operation.
  The Operand passed to the “**” (exponent) function was zero or negative
589  Invalid cylindrical parameter 
601  Missing WHILE statement
  May be an end mill cycle without a start mill cycle.
602  Missing WEND statement
  May be a start mill cycle without an end mill cycle.
603  Program does not exist
  Program being called as a subprogram does not exist. Check to see if the program
called is in the parts folder.
606  Program is empty
  Text program being run or verified is empty. Try reposting the conversational file.
608  ‘P’ expected in M98 block
610  Position move required after rotation 
611  No inverse time feed
666  Quill movement detected, reposition the quill to its original position. 
805  Invalid probe setup
  Input file does not start with a comment containing three asterisks. Also, the following
three blocks should be X, Y, Z, or Y, X, Z depending on scan plane.
900  RS232 overrun error
  The system sending data may not have the same baud rate as the CNC. Check RS- 232
baud rate parameter in PARMS-CTRL.
901  RS232 parity error
  The system sending data may not have the same parity as the CNC. Check RS-232
parity parameter in PARMS-CTRL.
902  RS232 framing error
  Remote system and CNC may not have the same line settings or a loose cable.  Check
line settings in PARMS-CTRL for baud rate, parity, and stop bits.
903  RS232 break detected (RS232 cable may be loose.)
  Check cabling and connectors for good contact.
904  Arc 3D required address missing 
1188  Unknown hardware failure
1189  Watchdog Failure
The interface card reported that it dropped the watchdog because no information was
received from the ncb card for about 3 heartbeats, about .0015 seconds. 
1.  Fiber-optic cable loose.
2.  Bad ncb card.
3.  Bad interface card, since it must receive the information from the ncb card. 
4.  A power glitch at the interface card caused the interface card to reset (the
interface card comes up with the watchdog off).  If this is the case, however, the
error may come up as an error 1194.
5.  It is at least possible communication in one direction would work and not in the
other.  Especially since each direction has an independent chan- nel, including
a separate fiber optic cable.  This error would be very rare, especially now that
“interface reset” yields a separate error.
1190  Unexpected control (NCB card) reset
The NCB card reset sometime after power-up, the only time it should reset. CAUSES:
1.  Power glitch at the NCB card.
2.  Noise on the PC bus reset line, which is tied to the NCB card reset line.
1192  Control (NCB card) Failure
The NCB card did not respond for a long period of time. 
CAUSES: 1. Bad NCB card.
1194  Unexpected interface (card) reset
The interface card reset sometime after power-up, the only time it should reset.
CAUSES: 1. A power glitch at the interface card caused the interface card to reset (the
interface card comes up with the watchdog off).
1195  Interface failure
No information was received from the interface card for 10 heartbeats of the control,
about .05 seconds.
1.   Fiber-optic cable loose.
2.  Bad interface card.
3.  Bad NCB card, since it must receive the information from the interface card.
4.  Bad fiber-optic cable.
1227  Needs lube
1381  No spindle on during feed move 
1395  Chiller fault
1401  Moved past the software limit.
1407  Excess error
1413  Attempt to move into the Safe Zone
1437  Pay timer expired 
1438  Spindle load for tool 
1439  Spindle stalled
1448  Low Air Pressure
1549  Turret power fault 
1463  Coolant fault
1473  Tool Changer Arm Not Parked 
1449  Drive fault
1450  Emergency stop